Blessed Are Those

Revelation 22:14 says, “Blessed are those who _______, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city”? Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]

God Sent Me Ahead of You

Which person in the Bible said, “But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.”? Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]

The End

What does the last verse in the Bible say? Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]

Israel in Egypt

Before their exodus, how many years did the people of Israel live in Egypt? Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]

Jesus’ Brothers

In Mark’s Gospel, those in Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth heard him in the synagogue, and asked “Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son? Isn’t this the brother of…” Who? Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]

The King’s Table

Which person in the Bible lived in Jerusalem, always ate at the king’s table, and was lame in both feet? Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]
